
“Shagi / Steps” the Journal of the SASH


2023 :Vol. 9, N 1Vol. 9, N 2
2022 :Vol. 8, N 1Vol. 8, N 2Vol. 8, N 3Vol. 8, N 4
2021 :Vol. 7, N 1Vol. 7, N 2Vol. 7, N 3Vol. 7, N 4
2020 :Vol. 6, N 1Vol. 6, N 2Vol. 6, N 3Vol. 6, N 4
2019 :Vol. 5, N 1Vol. 5, N 2Vol. 5, N 3Vol. 5, N 4
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2015 :Vol. 1, N 1Vol. 1, N 2



Maclay Readings 2020 dedicated to the memory of Alexander K. Ogloblin in the context of contemporary studies of the Asia-Pacific region

M. V. Stanyukovich
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, St. Petersburg)
A. A. Iankovskaia

DOI: 10.22394/2412-9410-2021-7-4-332-347


Abstract: The paper presents a brief review of the work of the Department of Australia, Oceania and Indonesia of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the RAS, St. Petersburg, during recent years in the context of the history and current state of Russian studies of the Southern Seas countries and the cultures and languages of Austronesian and Austro-Asiatic peoples of Southeast Asia and Oceania. The authors describe the major directions of this work, including fundamental and field studies in anthropology, ethnography and folklore, as well as publishing and exhibiting activities related to the jubilee year of Nikolai N. Miklouho-Maclay (2021). The article contains a review of the conference “Maclay Readings” that was held at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) on November 11 and 13, 2020, and was dedicated to the memory of Alexander K. Ogloblin (1939–2020), an outstanding scholar and teacher of many modern Russian specialists in Indonesian and Malaysian Studies.

To cite this article: Stanyukovich, M. V., & Iankovskaia, A. A. (2021). Maclay Readings 2020 dedicated to the memory of Alexander K. Ogloblin in the context of contemporary studies of the Asia-Pacific region. Shagi/Steps, 7(4), 332–347. (In Russian). https://doi.org/1