
“Shagi / Steps” the Journal of the SASH


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“Diudenev host” and the copper floors of churches of the Vladimir region (towards the history of Russian-Horde relations in the 13th century)

A. V. Lavrentyev
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia, Moscow)

DOI: 10.22394/2412-9410-2021-7-3-200-218

Keywords: 13th century Russia, princely civil strife, Vladimir, Bogolyubovo, copper, “Diudenev hosrt”, tribute to the Horde

Abstract: During the winter of 1293–1294 the lands of North-Eastern Rus’ survived the “Diudenev host”, the raid of Tatar detachments led by Tudan (Diuden’ in the Russian chronicles), sent by Khan Tokhta with the aim of expelling Grand Duke Dmitry Alexandrovich and establishing his brother, Prince Andrei Alexandrovich, a Golden Horde protégé, on the grand duke’s seat in Vladimir. In the course of an unprecedented sweep of territory by the Diuden’ troops, fourteen Russian cities, including Vladimir, were captured and plundered. Among the material losses incurred during the hostilities, the chronicles especially emphasize the fact that the attackers took out to the Horde the copper slabs of the floor of the main church of Russia, the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir (usually Tatar robbery of churches included only items made of precious metals and expensive fabrics). Obviously, during the same raid, another church of the Vladimir region, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin in the city of Bogolyubovo, lost its copper floors. The total cost of copper exported to the Horde was equal to a third of the annual tribute paid by the grand dukes to the Horde. Apparently the Gorodets prince, for lack of funds, included the copper floors of the churches of the Vladimir region as part of his payment to Khan Tokhta for the yarlyk for the title of Grand Duke.

To cite this article: Lavrentyev, A. V. (2021). “Diudenev host” and the copper floors of churches of the Vladimir region (towards the history of Russian-Horde relations in the 13th century). Shagi / Steps, 7(3), 200–218. (In Russian). https://doi.org/10.22394/2412-9410-20